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Eye Surgery

Eye Surgery

Eye Surgery

At Lavenburg Medical Group, we're dedicated to ensuring the health of your eyes. Here in Elkton and Newark, our experts in eye care handle everything from routine check-ups to advanced procedures like retinal surgery. Our main goal is to prioritize your vision and overall health. If you're searching for an ophthalmologist near you who can provide comprehensive care, our team is here for you.


The Importance of Retinal Surgery

Think about your eyes—they're incredible, right? But sometimes, they face problems, especially with the delicate part at the back called the retina. That's where eye surgery, like retinal surgery, comes in to help. Retinal surgery isn't a simple fix—it's really precise and needs a super-skilled surgeon. You see, the retina is vital for your vision. If something goes wrong with it, your sight could get messed up. Retinal surgery fixes these issues, trying to make sure your vision gets better and doesn't get worse.

Inside Retinal Surgery

When you're getting eye surgery, like retinal surgery, it all starts with a visit to an eye doctor who checks your eyes well. They figure out what's going on and if surgery is the best way to fix it. Before the surgery day, they'll tell you what you need to do and what will happen. When it's time for the surgery, they'll make sure you don't feel any pain by using something called anesthesia. Then, the surgeon will do the important work to fix the problem, which might involve working on the delicate part of your eye called the retina. Afterward, you'll need time to heal, and they'll give you some rules to follow.

Eye Health Care After Surgery

Once you've had your eye surgery, it's super important to do what the doctor says for your eyes to heal well. They might give you an eye patch or something to protect your eye. You'll also get some eye drops or medicine to use as they tell you to help your eye get better and keep away from infections. During the first few days, it's best to take it easy, avoid hard activities, and not lift heavy stuff. Following these instructions helps your eyes heal nicely.

Get in Touch for Expert Eye Care Today

Your vision is precious, but it's not just the surgery that matters. We plan everything carefully, take care of you afterward, and keep checking to make sure your eyes are doing well. We want you to feel comfortable and confident about your eyes at every step. At Lavenburg Medical Group in Elkton, it's not just about fixing a problem—it's about keeping your eyes healthy and your vision clear.

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you

Hours of Operation

Our Newark location is open until 5:30 pm on select Mondays. Patients please call to confirm closing time for our Newark location


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


8:00 am - 3:30 pm


Call for Saturday Schedule



8:00 am - 4:30 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Call for Saturday Schedule


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